Saturday, June 27, 2009

Cha Changin'.

It's that time. Changes are coming I tell yah. The reason...well...I am just not lovin' the limitations of blogger. So, I am going to try another route! Yay. Very excited and will be working on a new look in my "free time". Hoping to debut it sooner rather than later...

Oh and for those who know how often I change my mind. I am only talking about the blog...dont worry...I am still totally loving my logo!

I am aware that some people are having issues commenting and I am sorry for the frustration is causes. I know it would drive me nuts! No idea why it happens...but I am working on the solution.

Thanks all. Always appreciate the blog love!

Of course, a photo is a must...

1 comment:

Michele said...

I LOVVVVVE the first one of her...but can't you make her stop growing; it's getting harder to catch her for photos!!!

Maybe today at the beach????