Thursday, January 29, 2009

a bit of simon.

**Disclaimer** If the interesting habits of a near 3 year old are enough to put you over the edge...skip this post. hehe.

How best to describe Si? ALL BOY! Yup. That covers it. I adore this little man...regardless of how much he drives me crazy. His face lights up a room, the gap between his teeth melts my heart, and his strong will inspires me to be that little bit tougher. He is mine.

cause he just cannot help himself!


Anonymous said...

what a little monkey! What 3 year old doesn't pick their nose? Katie loves to eat it too & laugh at me when I give her crap. I tell her it's nose pooh, but she doesn't care.
I love your camera! have I mentioned that?

Brooke Bowland said...

i swear its an addiction for him these days. hehe. its like he just needs somewhere to put that darn finger!
you need to see my camera. hold my camera. oh wait, maybe not. you might just want one. ha.

Michele said...

You definately nailed these ones; they are SO Simon....and SO "boy"! I just love the first shot.....what a handsome devil:)

Brooke Bowland said...

is he growing up too fast or what? sigh. thanks you know, he is ALL BOY!!!