Tuesday, December 9, 2008

tis' the season.

I have been a little scarce lately...it is that time of year. My days are spent chasing the little ones, all the while trying to get a large variety of things done. The nights are spent cleaning, wrapping and trying to figure out what on earth made me think I could pull off a party before Christmas? Maybe Mom is right...I am crazy!

I was hoping to post some photos of my older kids this week...but the eldest fell sick and we just could not seem to get it together. So I leave you with a little something of the wee ones...have you ever attempted a photo of a 6 month old baby and a 2.5 year old with ants in his pants?

For the photogs who wonder what all that chat is about Nikon's at high ISO's...well...here is a little example of the noise, and I was not even that high! Anyone want to get me a D700 for Christmas? hehe.


d d p h o t o g r a p h y said...

oh brooke..they break my heart thats how beautiful they are..Im sure you know how blessed you are. I really love this image.

and I love that you are coveting the D700..lol I just upgraded to the D300..and its a learning curve..im kinda terrified of it..but maybe one day ill get it right.

Merry Chrismtas!

d d p h o t o g r a p h y said...

the word is CHRISTMAS..i really can spell..lol

Brittney Hale said...

I think this is the season for pure madness- I feel for you, a women after my own heart (supermom)! Why do we try and multi-task?
This shot is so pure- i just love the innocence of it. Plus it doesnt hurt that you kids are adorable!!! I hope you have a happy holiday season-- and try to have some down time.

Brooke Bowland said...

devon...you consistantly leave the most beautiful comments. thank you! and you are rockin' the d300? ENVY!!

brittney...you have me beat by a long shot. you are supermom hands down! i dont know why we do this to ourselves??
thank you for the compliments, you are so thoughtful!