Wednesday, November 12, 2008

better late then never.

I find that I often get so involved in my business edits, that the family stuff falls down the list. It does just takes a little longer then I would like!

I recently got around to the birthday party of Miss H...she turned 10 this past summer and we had a fantastic little spa party at home for her and a few friends. It was planned in 24 hours...yup, I am one crazy lady. Thanks to Michele for helping me pull it off and to all the girls for being able to make it on such short notice.

We love you Miss H, you are an amazing and beautiful young lady. Your love for the world, beautiful and free spirit are what makes you a truly unique gift in our lives and to this planet. We know you are destined to do amazing things...

Miss H is on the left in the photo below. This so makes me want a cupcake!


Kristi Steeger said...

How fun! I'll have to remember this idea when Kassi is a bit older...:)

Brooke Bowland said...

it was a great time kristi! of course we went a little overboard...but is that not what parties are all about? hehe.