Friday, May 9, 2008

a little bit of me

These days I am not doing much standing behind the camera. With a baby due in 3 weeks or less, I am not able to get up and down with too much ease and I just end up getting frustrated at not getting the angle I would want. So, other then family stuff...I am taking things easy.

I did however get in front of the camera the other day...Michele's camera that is. I am generally not a huge fan of being on the other side of the lens, but I knew that it would be well worth it...and was I ever right. Maybe I will be a little more willing to get on the other side now and then. I will need some new headshots when I have "downsized". hehe.

So here are a few...yup, I love them!

1 comment:

Freckle Face Photography said...

you look gorgeous!! Michele did an amazing job. The photos are beautiful!